The Academy of Political Science
Political parties and pressure groups both are equally important players in the game of politics. In terms of influence both these entities are capable of making rapid changes in a political system.
However the main difference between these two, are the fact that political parties pursue power by contesting in elections, while pressure groups pursue specific request by engaging in activities such as protests.
Therefore the second difference is the common factor that binds members in the two organizations. Members of pressure groups shore a common interest as the main reason behind the formation is achieving that specific request.
Political parties and pressure groups differ from each other in terms of motives. Since political parties pursue power their motive and tasks are much wider hence they have to address every problem of the society. Pressure groups have narrow motives as their interests always revolve around a specific matter.
In terms of permanent existence pressure groups and political parties are different as the existence of a political party does not end. Since the main purpose of political party is to gain owner the political party can never fully accomplish their goals. Pursuing power is a continuous struggle as the process that starts capturing power is continued with establishing power and expanding power therefore political parties constantly exist as a group that pursue political power. Pressure groups on the other hand are built on a specific interest. Therefore once the requirement is fulfilled the pressure group get dissolved itself following the accomplishment.
• 1 min read
• December 22 2020